
Our objectives are to educate our students to have strong knowledge of the Bible and train them to have good ability to do Christian ministry in field, to provides a foundational study of the history, context, message of the Bible as well as equipping graduates to communicate the truth of the Gospel.  Through analogies of statements of truth theologies, and doctrines students will develop the ability to use interpretation to evaluate elements of theological thought to be compassionate and sensitive to the people’s need so that he may have the personal character needed to be a good minister.



Time to Complete

1 year


Foundation Year
First Semester Second Semester
Course Code Subject Credits Hours Course Code Subject Credits Hours
THE1100 Religious Study I 3 48 LAW1201 Public Administration 3 48
KHL1101 Cambodian History 3 48 ECO1201 Principles of Economics 3 48
MAT1101 Mathematics 3 48 CSC1201 Computer Administration 3 48
ENG1101 Core English I 3 48 ENG1202 Core English II 3 48
MGT1101 Spiritual Formation I 3 48 MGT1201 Spiritual Formation II 3 48
Total 15 240 Total 15 240
Total Credits for Foundation Year: 30 Credits= 480 Hours
Second Year
First Semester Second Semester
Course Code Subject Credits Hours Course Code Subject Credits Hours
THE2101 Spiritual Formation III 3 48 THE2201 Spiritual Formation IV 3 48
THE2102 Evangelism Outreach I 1 16 THE2202 Evangelism Outreach II 1 16
THE2103 English for Theological Study I 2 32 THE2203 English for Theological Study II 2 32
THE2104 Systematic Theology I 2 32 THE2204 Systematic Theology II 2 32
THE2105 New Testament I 3 48 THE2205 New Testament II 3 48
THE2106 Introduction to Christianity I 2 32 THE2206 Introduction to Christianity II 2 32
THE2107 Biblical Language I (Greek) 2 32 THE2207 Biblical Language II 2 32
Total 15 240 Total 15 240
Total Credits for Second Year: 30 Credits = 480 Hours
Third Year
First Semester Second Semester
Course Code Subject Credits Hours Course Code Subject Credits Hours
THE3101 Spiritual Formation V 3 48 THE3201 Spiritual Formation VI 3 48
THE3102 Evangelism Outreach III 1 16 THE3202 Evangelism Outreach IV 1 16
THE3103 English for Ministry I 1 16 THE3203 English for Ministry II 1 16
THE3104 Systematic Theology III 2 32 THE3204 Systematic Theology IV 2 32
THE3105 Old Testament I 3 48 THE3205 Old Testament II 3 48
THE3106 Church History I 2 32 THE3206 Church History II 2 32
THE3107 Supervised Field Ministry I 1 16 THE3207 Supervised Field Ministry II 1 16
THE3108 Sermon Delivery I 2 32 THE3208 Sermon Delivery II 2 32
Total 15 240 Total 15 240
Total credits for Third Year: 30 Credits = 480 hours
Fourth Year
First Semester Second Semester
Course Code Subject Credits Hours Course Code Subject Credits Hours
THE4101 Spiritual Formation VII 3 48 THE4201 Spiritual Formation VIII 3 48
THE4102 Evangelism Outreach V 1 16 THE4202 Evangelism Outreach VI 1 16
THE4103 English for Ministry III 1 16 THE4203 English for Ministry IV 1 16
THE4104 Pastoral Ministry 3 48 THE4204 Church Administration 3 48
THE4105 Missiology 3 48 THE4205 Apologetics 3 48
THE4106 Christian Education 3 48 THE4206 Graduation Project 3 48
THE4107 Supervised Field Ministry III 1 16 THE4207 Supervised Field Ministry IV 1 16
Total 15 240 Total 15 240
Total credits for Fourth Year: 30 Credits = 480 hours

General Studies

  • Anthropology (ANTH)
  • Archaeology (ARCHY)
  • Biological Anthropology (BIO A)
  • Art (ART)
  • Art History (ART H)
  • Design (DESIGN)