October 18, 2024

Life University President Dr. Koo Kyen Hoe and Woori Bank Acting CEO Shin Dong Woo signed a memorandum of understanding to enhance cooperation and mutual support through banking services and financial support.

June 13, 2024

Life University in Cambodia and Torch Trinity Graduate University in Korea held an MOU signing ceremony. The purpose of this mutual agreement is to cooperate in order to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth through education and to develop internationally recognized leaders.

May 23, 2024

Mokwon University and Pai Chai University in Korea and Life University enter into an agreement to promote mutual cooperation and exchange programs, including the exchange of faculty, researchers, and international students; joint meetings and workshops; and mutual cooperation in curriculum development.

January 17, 2024

LIFE UNIVERSITY and INDUK UNIVERSITY agree to  the exchange of scholars, professional staff members, students, and academic information.

The University Twinning and Networking (UNITWIN) program was established in 1992 at the 26th session of UNESCO General Conference with the aim of building the capacities of higher education and research institutions through exchanging and sharing knowledge. UNESCO appoints host institutions in multidisciplinary areas to offer a collaboration platform within partner universities in training, research, and exchange of academics.

In 2015, Sookmyung Women’s University of Korea created an International Network and invited universities, NGOs, and cooperation agencies around the world. The International Network aims at promoting women’s empowerment through ICT skills and leadership education towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Life University has been appointed as a sole Cambodian partner for UNESCO-UNITWIN Program, which is hosted by SookMyoung Women’s University, South Korea.

International Partnerships


Republic of Korea
Kyung Hee University http://www.khu.ac.kr/
2 Korean Bible University http://www.bible.ac.kr/
3 Margaret Pritchard University https://www.jesus.ac.kr
4 Ajou University http://www.ajou.ac.kr/
5 Hallym University http://english.hallym.ac.kr/
6 Chung Ang University http://www.cau.ac.kr/
7 Kong Ju National University http://english.kongju.ac.kr/
8 Sejong University http://www.sejong.ac.kr/
9 Sookmyung Womem’s University http://www.sookmyung.ac.kr/
10 Handong University http://www.handong.edu/
11 Hannam University http://www.hannam.ac.kr/
12 Soongsil University http://www.ssu.ac.kr/
13 Keimyung University http://www.kmu.ac.kr/
14 Yonsei University http://www.yonsei.ac.kr/
15 World Christian Nursing Foundation http://ncf-jcn.org/
16 Korean Nurses Association http://en.koreanurse.or.kr/
17 Il SLN Christian Hospital
18 Kyungil University http://eng.kiu.ac.kr/
19 The Hub of Blue Ocean
20 Hanyang(3rd W.D.) http://www.hanyang.ac.kr/
21 Dongduk Women’s University http://www.dongduk.ac.kr/
22 Soonchunhyang University http://homepage.sch.ac.kr/
23 Sharing and Technology,Inc.
24 Mokwon http://www.mokwon.ac.kr/
25 MJC Vocational Traning College
26 Kosin University http://www.kosin.ac.kr/
27 Yeungnam University http://www.yu.ac.kr/
28 Chonbuk National University http://www.chonbuk.ac.kr/
29 Shinhan University http://en.shinhan.ac.kr/
30 Asia United Theological University http://www.acts.ac.kr
31 Seoul Bible Graduate School
of Theology
32 Gwangju Health University http://www.ghu.ac.kr/English/
33 Gangneung-Wonju
National University
34 New World Nice People http://www.nwnp.kr/
35 Kookje University http://irc.kookje.ac.kr/eng/
36 Sooyoungro Business Mission http://syrm.or.kr

Kingdom of Cambodia
National Polytechnic
Institute of Cambodia
38 Highlands Leadership Institute
39 Kampot Referral Hospital
40 Kirivong Referral Hospital
41 Preah Sihanouk Provincial Hospital
42 Khmer Soviet Friendship Hospital
43 Takeo Referral Hospital
44 National Pediatric Hospital

United States of America
Midwest University http://www.midwest.edu/
46 Califonia Central University http://www.myccu.us/
47 Liberty University http://www.liberty.edu/

People’s Republic of China
Yannbian University of
Science Technology
49 Wuxi Institute of Commerce http://school.cucas.edu.cn
50 Hohai university http://en.hhu.edu.cn/
Republic of Singapore
Beacon International College http://www.beacon.edu.sg/

Hure Information
Technology University
53 Mongolia International University http://www.miu.edu.mn/
54 Ulan Bator University http://www.ulaanbaatar.edu.mn/

Republic of Indonesia
Universitas Kresten http://www.uki.ac.id/
56 Cipta Wacana (UKCW)
Kingdom of Thailand
Rajamangala University of
Technology Krung Thep

About Us

Life University was established to educate Cambodian students with the truth and love of God so that they can love their neighbors as themselves, have respect for their parents as the Bible says, and contribute to the growth and prosperity of the Christian community and the national economy of Cambodia.